ID: nlin/0305030

Stabilization of solitons of the multidimensional nonlinear Schrodinger equation: Matter-wave breathers

May 19, 2003

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Gaspar D. Montesinos, Victor M. Perez-Garcia, Pedro Torres
Nonlinear Sciences
Pattern Formation and Solito...

We demonstrate that stabilization of solitons of the multidimensional Schrodinger equation with a cubic nonlinearity may be achieved by a suitable periodic control of the nonlinear term. The effect of this control is to stabilize the unstable solitary waves which belong to the frontier between expanding and collapsing solutions and to provide an oscillating solitonic structure, some sort of breather-type solution. We obtain precise conditions on the control parameters to achieve the stabilization and compare our results with accurate numerical simulations of the nonlinear Schrodinger equation. Because of the application of these ideas to matter waves these solutions are some sort of matter breathers.

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Stabilization of a (3+1)D soliton in a Kerr medium by a rapidly oscillating dispersion coefficient

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On soliton (in-)stability in multi-dimensional cubic-quintic nonlinear Schr\"odinger equations

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We consider the nonlinear Schr\"odinger equation with a focusing cubic term and a defocusing quintic nonlinearity in dimensions two and three. The core of this article is the notion of stability of solitary waves. We recall the two standard notions of orbital stability in the context of nonlinear Schr\"odinger equations, and show that they must be considered as independent from each other. We investigate numerically the notion of orbital stability of ground states in the radi...

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Similarity transformations for Nonlinear Schrodinger Equations with time varying coefficients: Exact results

December 21, 2005

85% Match
Victor M. Perez-Garcia, Pedro J. Torres, Vladimir V. Konotop
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In this paper we use a similarity transformation connecting some families of Nonlinear Schrodinger equations with time-varying coefficients with the autonomous cubic nonlinear Schrodinger equation. This transformation allows one to apply all known results for that equation to the non-autonomous case with the additional dynamics introduced by the transformation itself. In particular, using stationary solutions of the autonomous nonlinear Schrodinger equation we can construct e...

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Dynamical stabilization of solitons in cubic-quintic nonlinear Schr\"odinger model

July 4, 2005

85% Match
Fatkhulla Kh. Abdullaev, Josselin Garnier
Other Condensed Matter
Pattern Formation and Solito...

We consider the existence of a dynamically stable soliton in the one-dimensional cubic-quintic nonlinear Schr\"odinger model with strong cubic nonlinearity management for periodic and random modulations. We show that the predictions of the averaged cubic-quintic NLS equation and modified variational approach for the arrest of collapse coincide. The analytical results are confirmed by numerical simulations of one-dimensional cubic-quintic NLS equation with rapidly and strongly...

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Observation of Breathers in an Attractive Bose Gas

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In weakly nonlinear dispersive systems, solitons are spatially localized solutions which propagate without changing shape through a delicate balance between dispersion and self-focusing nonlinear effects. These states have been extensively studied in Bose-Einstein condensates, where interatomic interactions give rise to such nonlinearities. Previous experimental work with matter wave solitons has been limited to static intensity profiles. The creation of matter wave breathers...

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Stabilization and destabilization of second-order solitons against perturbations in the nonlinear Schr\"{o}dinger equation

October 1, 2009

85% Match
H. Yanay, L. Khaykovich, B. A. Malomed
Pattern Formation and Solito...

We consider splitting and stabilization of second-order solitons (2-soliton breathers) in a model based on the nonlinear Schr\"{o}dinger equation (NLSE), which includes a small quintic term, and weak resonant nonlinearity management (NLM), i.e., time-periodic modulation of the cubic coefficient, at the frequency close to that of shape oscillations of the 2-soliton. The model applies to the light propagation in media with cubic-quintic optical nonlinearities and periodic alter...

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Dissipative periodic waves, solitons and breathers of the nonlinear Schrodinger equation with complex potentials

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