February 10, 2016
Similar papers 2
It was asked by E. Szemer\'edi if, for a finite set $A\subset\mathbb{Z}$, one can improve estimates for $\max\{|A+A|,|A\cdot A|\}$, under the constraint that all integers involved have a bounded number of prime factors -- that is, each $a\in A$ satisfies $\omega(a)\leq k$. In this paper, answer Szemer\'edi's question in the affirmative by showing that this maximum is of order $|A|^{\frac{5}{3}-o(1)}$ provided $k\leq (\log|A|)^{1-\epsilon}$ for some $\epsilon>0$. In fact, this...
September 10, 2021
We prove a new class of low-energy decompositions which, amongst other consequences, imply that any finite set $A$ of integers may be written as $A = B \cup C$, where $B$ and $C$ are disjoint sets satisfying \[ |\{ (b_1, \dots, b_{2s}) \in B^{2s} \ | \ b_1 + \dots + b_{s} = b_{s+1} + \dots + b_{2s}\}| \ll_{s} |B|^{2s - (\log \log s)^{1/2 - o(1)}} \] and \[ |\{ (c_1, \dots, c_{2s}) \in C^{2s} \ | \ c_1 \dots c_{s} = c_{s+1} \dots c_{2s} \}| \ll_{s} |C|^{2s - (\log \log s)^{1/2...
May 12, 2020
Let $\mathcal R$ be a finite valuation ring of order $q^r$ with $q$ a power of an odd prime number, and $\mathcal A$ be a set in $\mathcal R$. In this paper, we improve a recent result due to Yazici (2018) on a sum-product type problem. More precisely, we will prove that 1. If $|\mathcal A|\gg q^{r-\frac{1}{3}}$, then $$\max\left\lbrace |\mathcal A+\mathcal A|, |\mathcal A^2+\mathcal A^2|\right\rbrace \gg q^{\frac{r}{2}}|\mathcal A|^{\frac{1}{2}}.$$ 2. If $q^{r-\frac{3}{8}}...
April 4, 2009
In the present paper we show that if A is a set of n real numbers, and the product set A.A has at most n^(1+c) elements, then the k-fold sumset kA has at least n^(log(k/2)/2 log 2 + 1/2 - f_k(c)) elements, where f_k(c) -> 0 as c -> 0. We believe that the methods in this paper might lead to a much stronger result; indeed, using a result of Trevor Wooley on Vinogradov's Mean Value Theorem and the Tarry-Escott Problem, we show that if |A.A| < n^(1+c), then |k(A.A)| > n^(Omega((k...
February 19, 2015
In this note it is established that, for any finite set $A$ of real numbers, there exist two elements $a,b \in A$ such that $$|(a+A)(b+A)| \gg \frac{|A|^2}{\log |A|}.$$ In particular, it follows that $|(A+A)(A+A)| \gg \frac{|A|^2}{\log |A|}$. The latter inequality had in fact already been established in an earlier work of the author and Rudnev (arXiv:1203.6237), which built upon the recent developments of Guth and Katz (arXiv:1011.4105) in their work on the Erd\H{o}s dist...
April 3, 2023
In this paper, we prove that the bound \[ \max \{ |8A-7A|,|5f(A)-4f(A)| \} \gg |A|^{\frac{3}{2} + \frac{1}{54}-o(1)} \] holds for all $A \subset \mathbb R$, and for all convex functions $f$ which satisfy an additional technical condition. This technical condition is satisfied by the logarithmic function, and this fact can be used to deduce a sum-product estimate \[ \max \{ |16A| , |A^{(16)}| \} \gg |A|^{\frac{3}{2} + c}, \] for some $c>0$. Previously, no sum-product estimate ...
February 17, 2004
The basic theme of this paper is the fact that if $A$ is a finite set of integers, then the sum and product sets cannot both be small. A precise formulation of this fact is Conjecture 1 below due to Erd\H os-Szemer\'edi [E-S]. (see also [El], [T], and [K-T] for related aspects.) Only much weaker results or very special cases of this conjecture are presently known. One approach consists of assuming the sum set $A + A$ small and then deriving that the product set $AA$ is large ...
January 29, 2015
We give a partial answer to a conjecture of A. Balog, concerning the size of AA+A, where A is a finite subset of real numbers. Also, we prove several new results on the cardinality of A:A+A, AA+AA and A:A + A:A.
May 31, 2011
This paper gives an improved sum-product estimate for subsets of a finite field whose order is not prime. It is shown, under certain conditions, that $$\max\{|A+A|,|A\cdot{A}|\}\gg{\frac{|A|^{12/11}}{(\log_2|A|)^{5/11}}}.$$ This new estimate matches, up to a logarithmic factor, the current best known bound obtained over prime fields by Rudnev (\cite{mishaSP}).
January 27, 2019
Let $A\subset [1, 2]$ be a $(\delta, \sigma)$-set with measure $|A|=\delta^{1-\sigma}$ in the sense of Katz and Tao. For $\sigma\in (1/2, 1)$ we show that $$ |A+A|+|AA|\gtrapprox \delta^{-c}|A|, $$ for $c=\frac{(1-\sigma)(2\sigma-1)}{6\sigma+4}$. This improves the bound of Guth, Katz, and Zahl for large $\sigma$.