February 3, 2017
We prove a range of new sum-product type growth estimates over a general field $\mathbb{F}$, in particular the special case $\mathbb{F}=\mathbb{F}_p$. They are unified by the theme of "breaking the $3/2$ threshold", epitomising the previous state of the art. These estimates stem from specially suited applications of incidence bounds over $\mathbb{F}$, which apply to higher moments of representation functions. We establish the estimate $|R[A]| \gtrsim |A|^{8/5}$ for cardinal...
November 22, 2013
In the paper we obtain some new upper bounds for exponential sums over multiplicative subgroups G of F^*_p having sizes in the range [p^{c_1}, p^{c_2}], where c_1,c_2 are some absolute constants close to 1/2. As an application we prove that in symmetric case G is always an additive basis of order five, provided by |G| > p^{1/2} log^{1/3} p. Also the method allows us to give a new upper bound for Heilbronn's exponential sum.
August 19, 2020
We generalize two results about subgroups of multiplicative group of finite field of prime order. In particular, the lower bound on the cardinality of the set of values of polynomial $P(x,y)$ is obtained under the certain conditions, if variables $x$ and $y$ belong to a subgroup $G$ of the multiplicative group of the filed of residues. Also the paper contains a proof of the result that states that if a subgroup $G$ can be presented as a set of values of the polynomial $P(x,y)...
May 26, 2017
Using some new observations connected to higher energies, we obtain quantitative lower bounds on $\max\{|AB|, |A+C| \}$ and $\max\{|(A+\alpha)B|, |A+C|\}$, $\alpha \neq 0$ in the regime when the sizes of finite subsets $A,B,C$ of a field differ significantly.
December 21, 2015
Let $F$ be a field of characteristic $p>2$ and $A\subset F$ have sufficiently small cardinality in terms of $p$. We improve the state of the art of a variety of sum-product type inequalities. In particular, we prove that $$ |AA|^2|A+A|^3 \gg |A|^6,\qquad |A(A+A)|\gg |A|^{3/2}. $$ We also prove several two-variable extractor estimates: ${\displaystyle |A(A+1)| \gg|A|^{9/8},}$ $$ |A+A^2|\gg |A|^{11/10},\; |A+A^3|\gg |A|^{29/28}, \; |A+1/A|\gg |A|^{31/30}.$$ Besides, we addres...
May 31, 2011
This paper gives an improved sum-product estimate for subsets of a finite field whose order is not prime. It is shown, under certain conditions, that $$\max\{|A+A|,|A\cdot{A}|\}\gg{\frac{|A|^{12/11}}{(\log_2|A|)^{5/11}}}.$$ This new estimate matches, up to a logarithmic factor, the current best known bound obtained over prime fields by Rudnev (\cite{mishaSP}).
March 13, 2020
Let ${\mathcal H}$ be a multiplicative subgroup of $\mathbb{F}_p^*$ of order $H>p^{1/4}$. We show that $$ \max_{(a,p)=1}\left|\sum_{x\in {\mathcal H}} {\mathbf{\,e}}_p(ax)\right| \le H^{1-31/2880+o(1)}, $$ where ${\mathbf{\,e}}_p(z) = \exp(2 \pi i z/p)$, which improves a result of Bourgain and Garaev (2009). We also obtain new estimates for double exponential sums with product $nx$ with $x \in {\mathcal H}$ and $n \in {\mathcal N}$ for a short interval ${\mathcal N}$ of conse...
April 16, 2003
Let q be a prime, A be a subset of a finite field $F=\Bbb Z/q\Bbb Z$, $|A|<\sqrt{|F|}$. We prove the estimate $\max(|A+A|,|A\cdot A|)\ge c|A|^{1+\epsilon}$ for some $\epsilon>0$ and c>0. This extends the result of J. Bourgain, N. Katz, and T. Tao.
June 19, 2018
Let $A \subset \mathbb{F}_p$ of size at most $p^{3/5}$. We show $$|A+A| + |AA| \gtrsim |A|^{6/5 + c},$$ for $c = 4/305$. Our main tools are the cartesian product point--line incidence theorem of Stevens and de Zeeuw and the theory of higher energies developed by the second author.
April 18, 2023
Let $\varepsilon>0$ be a fixed small constant, ${\mathbb F}_p$ be the finite field of $p$ elements for prime $p$. We consider additive and multiplicative problems in ${\mathbb F}_p$ that involve intervals and arbitrary sets. Representative examples of our results are as follows. Let ${\mathcal M}$ be an arbitrary subset of ${\mathbb F}_p$. If $\#{\mathcal M} >p^{1/3+\varepsilon}$ and $H\ge p^{2/3}$ or if $\#{\mathcal M} >p^{3/5+\varepsilon}$ and $H\ge p^{3/5+\varepsilon}$ the...