ID: 2111.03655

Reflexions on Mahler: Dessins, Modularity and Gauge Theories

November 5, 2021

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Jiakang Bao, Yang-Hui He, Ali Zahabi
High Energy Physics - Theory
Algebraic Geometry
Mathematical Physics
Number Theory

We provide a unified framework of Mahler measure, dessins d'enfants, and gauge theory. With certain physically motivated Newton polynomials from reflexive polygons, the Mahler measure and the dessin are in one-to-one correspondence. From the Mahler measure, one can construct a Hauptmodul for a congruence subgroup of the modular group, which contains the subgroup associated to the dessin. In brane tilings and quiver gauge theories, the modular Mahler flow gives a natural resolution of the inequivalence amongst the three different complex structures $\tau_{R,G,B}$. We also study how, in F-theory, 7-branes and their monodromies arise in the context of dessins. Moreover, we give a dictionary on how Mahler measure generates Gromov-Witten invariants.

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