ID: 2103.14670

On an application of higher energies to Sidon sets

March 26, 2021

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Energy estimates in sum-product and convexity problems

September 10, 2021

84% Match
Akshat Mudgal
Number Theory

We prove a new class of low-energy decompositions which, amongst other consequences, imply that any finite set $A$ of integers may be written as $A = B \cup C$, where $B$ and $C$ are disjoint sets satisfying \[ |\{ (b_1, \dots, b_{2s}) \in B^{2s} \ | \ b_1 + \dots + b_{s} = b_{s+1} + \dots + b_{2s}\}| \ll_{s} |B|^{2s - (\log \log s)^{1/2 - o(1)}} \] and \[ |\{ (c_1, \dots, c_{2s}) \in C^{2s} \ | \ c_1 \dots c_{s} = c_{s+1} \dots c_{2s} \}| \ll_{s} |C|^{2s - (\log \log s)^{1/2...

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On an entropic analogue of additive energy

June 27, 2024

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Marcel K. Goh
Number Theory

Recent advances have linked various statements involving sumsets and cardinalities with corresponding statements involving sums of random variables and entropies. In this vein, this paper shows that the quantity $2{\bf H}\{X, Y\} - {\bf H}\{X+Y\}$ is a natural entropic analogue of the additive energy $E(A,B)$ between two sets. We develop some basic theory surrounding this quantity, and demonstrate its role in the proof of Tao's entropy variant of the Balog--Szemer\'edi--Gower...

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Ilya D. Shkredov
Number Theory

We obtain a generalization of the recent Kelley--Meka result on sets avoiding arithmetic progressions of length three. In our proof we develop the theory of the higher energies. Also, we discuss the case of longer arithmetic progressions, as well as a general family of norms, which includes the higher energies norms and Gowers norms.

Small doubling in prime-order groups: from $2.4$ to $2.6$

December 7, 2019

84% Match
Vsevolod F. Lev, Ilya D. Shkredov
Number Theory

Improving upon the results of Freiman and Candela-Serra-Spiegel, we show that for a non-empty subset $A\subseteq\mathbb F_p$ with $p$ prime and $|A|<0.0045p$, (i) if $|A+A|<2.59|A|-3$ and $|A|>100$, then $A$ is contained in an arithmetic progression of size $|A+A|-|A|+1$, and (ii) if $|A-A|<2.6|A|-3$, then $A$ is contained in an arithmetic progression of size $|A-A|-|A|+1$. The improvement comes from using the properties of higher energies.

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On a theorem of Shkredov

July 31, 2008

83% Match
Tom Sanders
Classical Analysis and ODEs

We show that if A is a finite subset of an abelian group with additive energy at least c|A|^3 then there is a subset L of A with |L|=O(c^{-1}\log |A|) such that |A \cap Span(L)| >> c^{1/3}|A|.

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On strong infinite Sidon and $B_h$ sets and random sets of integers

November 29, 2019

83% Match
David Fabian, Juanjo Rué, Christoph Spiegel
Number Theory

A set of integers $S \subset \mathbb{N}$ is an $\alpha$-strong Sidon set if the pairwise sums of its elements are far apart by a certain measure depending on $\alpha$, more specifically if $| (x+w) - (y+z) | \geq \max \{ x^{\alpha},y^{\alpha},z^{\alpha},w^\alpha \}$ for every $x,y,z,w \in S$ satisfying $\max \{x,w\} \neq \max \{y,z\}$. We obtain a new lower bound for the growth of $\alpha$-strong infinite Sidon sets when $0 \leq \alpha < 1$. We also further extend that notion...

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On the size of finite Sidon sets

July 16, 2022

83% Match
Kevin O'Bryant
Number Theory

A Sidon set is a set of integers containing no nontrivial solutions to the equation $a+b=c+d$. We improve on the lower bound on the diameter of a Sidon set with $k$ elements: if $k$ is sufficiently large and ${\cal A}$ is a Sidon set with $k$ elements, then $diam({\cal A})\ge k^2-1.99405 k^{3/2}$. Alternatively, if $n$ is sufficiently large, then the largest subset of $\{1,2,\dots,n\}$ that is a Sidon set has cardinality at most $n^{1/2}+0.99703 n^{1/4}$. While these are only...

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On additive bases of sets with small product set

June 7, 2016

83% Match
Ilya D. Shkredov, Dmitrii Zhelezov
Number Theory

We prove that finite sets of real numbers satisfying $|AA| \leq |A|^{1+\epsilon}$ with sufficiently small $\epsilon > 0$ cannot have small additive bases nor can they be written as a set of sums $B+C$ with $|B|, |C| \geq 2$. The result can be seen as a real analog of the conjecture of S\'ark\"ozy that multiplicative subgroups of finite fields of prime order are additively irreducible.

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On Sidon sets which are asymptotic bases of order 4

April 21, 2013

83% Match
Sándor Z. Kiss, Eszter Rozgonyi, Csaba Sándor
Number Theory

In this paper we prove the existence of Sidon sets which are asymptotic bases of order 4 by using probabilistic methods.

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Average estimate for additive energy in prime field

July 23, 2011

83% Match
Alexey Glibichuk
Number Theory

Assume that $A\subseteq \Fp, B\subseteq \Fp^{*}$, $\1/4\leqslant\frac{|B|}{|A|},$ $|A|=p^{\alpha}, |B|=p^{\beta}$. We will prove that for $p\geqslant p_0(\beta)$ one has $$\sum_{b\in B}E_{+}(A, bA)\leqslant 15 p^{-\frac{\min\{\beta, 1-\alpha\}}{308}}|A|^3|B|.$$ Here $E_{+}(A, bA)$ is an additive energy between subset $A$ and it's multiplicative shift $bA$. This improves previously known estimates of this type.

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