ID: 2305.08901

Numerical spectra of the Laplacian for line bundles on Calabi-Yau hypersurfaces

May 15, 2023

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Anthony Ashmore, Yang-Hui He, Elli Heyes, Burt A. Ovrut
High Energy Physics - Theory
Computer Science
Numerical Analysis
Differential Geometry
Numerical Analysis
Spectral Theory

We give the first numerical calculation of the spectrum of the Laplacian acting on bundle-valued forms on a Calabi-Yau three-fold. Specifically, we show how to compute the approximate eigenvalues and eigenmodes of the Dolbeault Laplacian acting on bundle-valued $(p,q)$-forms on K\"ahler manifolds. We restrict our attention to line bundles over complex projective space and Calabi-Yau hypersurfaces therein. We give three examples. For two of these, $\mathbb{P}^3$ and a Calabi-Yau one-fold (a torus), we compare our numerics with exact results available in the literature and find complete agreement. For the third example, the Fermat quintic three-fold, there are no known analytic results, so our numerical calculations are the first of their kind. The resulting spectra pass a number of non-trivial checks that arise from Serre duality and the Hodge decomposition. The outputs of our algorithm include all the ingredients one needs to compute physical Yukawa couplings in string compactifications.

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