ID: 2311.17146

Calabi-Yau Four/Five/Six-folds as $\mathbb{P}^n_\textbf{w}$ Hypersurfaces: Machine Learning, Approximation, and Generation

November 28, 2023

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Edward Hirst, Tancredi Schettini Gherardini
High Energy Physics - Theory
Algebraic Geometry
Machine Learning

Calabi-Yau four-folds may be constructed as hypersurfaces in weighted projective spaces of complex dimension 5 defined via weight systems of 6 weights. In this work, neural networks were implemented to learn the Calabi-Yau Hodge numbers from the weight systems, where gradient saliency and symbolic regression then inspired a truncation of the Landau-Ginzburg model formula for the Hodge numbers of any dimensional Calabi-Yau constructed in this way. The approximation always provides a tight lower bound, is shown to be dramatically quicker to compute (with compute times reduced by up to four orders of magnitude), and gives remarkably accurate results for systems with large weights. Additionally, complementary datasets of weight systems satisfying the necessary but insufficient conditions for transversality were constructed, including considerations of the IP, reflexivity, and intradivisibility properties. Overall producing a classification of this weight system landscape, further confirmed with machine learning methods. Using the knowledge of this classification, and the properties of the presented approximation, a novel dataset of transverse weight systems consisting of 7 weights was generated for a sum of weights $\leq 200$; producing a new database of Calabi-Yau five-folds, with their respective topological properties computed. Further to this an equivalent database of candidate Calabi-Yau six-folds was generated with approximated Hodge numbers.

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