January 9, 2007
We investigate Threshold Random Boolean Networks with $K = 2$ inputs per node, which are equivalent to Kauffman networks, with only part of the canalyzing functions as update functions. According to the simplest consideration these networks should be critical but it turns out that they show a rich variety of behaviors, including periodic and chaotic oscillations. The results are supported by analytical calculations and computer simulations.
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April 27, 2005
Boolean Networks have been used to study numerous phenomena, including gene regulation, neural networks, social interactions, and biological evolution. Here, we propose a general method for determining the critical behavior of Boolean systems built from arbitrary ensembles of Boolean functions. In particular, we solve the critical condition for systems of units operating according to canalizing functions and present strong numerical evidence that our approach correctly predic...
July 10, 2007
We investigate the influence of a deterministic but non-synchronous update on Random Boolean Networks, with a focus on critical networks. Knowing that ``relevant components'' determine the number and length of attractors, we focus on such relevant components and calculate how the length and number of attractors on these components are modified by delays at one or more nodes. The main findings are that attractors decrease in number when there are more delays, and that periods ...
April 26, 2002
This paper reviews a class of generic dissipative dynamical systems called N-K models. In these models, the dynamics of N elements, defined as Boolean variables, develop step by step, clocked by a discrete time variable. Each of the N Boolean elements at a given time is given a value which depends upon K elements in the previous time step. We review the work of many authors on the behavior of the models, looking particularly at the structure and lengths of their cycles, the...
November 1, 2002
The Kauffman model describes a particularly simple class of random Boolean networks. Despite the simplicity of the model, it exhibits complex behavior and has been suggested as a model for real world network problems. We introduce a novel approach to analyzing attractors in random Boolean networks, and applying it to Kauffman networks we prove that the average number of attractors grows faster than any power law with system size.
April 11, 2014
Boolean variables are such that they take only values on $ \mathbb{Z}_2 \cong \left\{0, 1 \right\} $. \textit{NK}-Kauffman networks are dynamical deterministic systems of $ N $ Boolean functions that depend only on $ K \leq N $ Boolean variables. They were proposed by Kauffman as a first step to understand cellular behaviour [Kauffman, S.A.; {\rm The Large Scale Structure and Dynamics of Gene Control Circuits: An Ensemble Approach}. {\it J. Theoret. Biol.} {\bf 44} (1974) 167...
March 21, 2005
The evaluation of the number of attractors in Kauffman networks by Samuelsson and Troein is generalized to critical networks with one input per node and to networks with two inputs per node and different probability distributions for update functions. A connection is made between the terms occurring in the calculation and between the more graphic concepts of frozen, nonfrozen and relevant nodes, and relevant components. Based on this understanding, a phenomenological argument...
October 27, 1995
Kauffman net is a dynamical system of logical variables receiving two random inputs and each randomly assigned a boolean function. We show that the attractor and transient lengths exhibit scaleless behavior with power-law distributions over up to ten orders of magnitude. Our results provide evidence for the existence of the "edge of chaos" as a distinct phase between the ordered and chaotic regimes analogous to a critical point in statistical mechanics. The power-law distribu...
February 10, 2023
The critical Kauffman model with connectivity one is the simplest class of critical Boolean networks. Nevertheless, it exhibits intricate behavior at the boundary of order and chaos. We introduce a formalism for expressing the dynamics of multiple loops as a product of the dynamics of individual loops. Using it, we prove that the number of attractors scales as $2^m$, where $m$ is the number of nodes in loops - as fast as possible, and much faster than previously believed.
October 19, 2001
A model of cellular metabolism due to S. Kauffman is analyzed. It consists of a network of Boolean gates randomly assembled according to a probability distribution. It is shown that the behavior of the network depends very critically on certain simple algebraic parameters of the distribution. In some cases, the analytic results support conclusions based on simulations of random Boolean networks, but in other cases, they do not.
July 2, 2001
Random Boolean networks, the Kauffman model, are revisited by means of a novel decimation algorithm, which reduces the networks to their dynamical cores. The average size of the removed part, the stable core, grows approximately linearly with N, the number of nodes in the original networks. We show that this can be understood as the percolation of the stability signal in the network. The stability of the dynamical core is investigated and it is shown that this core lacks the ...