ID: cond-mat/9510154

Power-law Distributions in the Kauffman Net

October 27, 1995

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Boolean Dynamics with Random Couplings

April 26, 2002

86% Match
Leo Kadanoff, Susan Coppersmith, Maximino Aldana
Adaptation and Self-Organizi...
Cellular Automata and Lattic...

This paper reviews a class of generic dissipative dynamical systems called N-K models. In these models, the dynamics of N elements, defined as Boolean variables, develop step by step, clocked by a discrete time variable. Each of the N Boolean elements at a given time is given a value which depends upon K elements in the previous time step. We review the work of many authors on the behavior of the models, looking particularly at the structure and lengths of their cycles, the...

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Circuits, Attractors and Reachability in Mixed-K Kauffman Networks

November 15, 2007

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K. A. Hawick, H. A. James, C. J. Scogings
Disordered Systems and Neura...

The growth in number and nature of dynamical attractors in Kauffman NK network models are still not well understood properties of these important random boolean networks. Structural circuits in the underpinning graph give insights into the number and length distribution of attractors in the NK model. We use a fast direct circuit enumeration algorithm to study the NK model and determine the growth behaviour of structural circuits. This leads to an explanation and lower bound o...

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Random sampling vs. exact enumeration of attractors in random Boolean networks

April 24, 2009

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Andrew Berdahl, Amer Shreim, Vishal Sood, ... , Davidsen Joern
Statistical Mechanics
Disordered Systems and Neura...

We clarify the effect different sampling methods and weighting schemes have on the statistics of attractors in ensembles of random Boolean networks (RBNs). We directly measure cycle lengths of attractors and sizes of basins of attraction in RBNs using exact enumeration of the state space. In general, the distribution of attractor lengths differs markedly from that obtained by randomly choosing an initial state and following the dynamics to reach an attractor. Our results indi...

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Relevant elments, Magnetization and Dynamical Properties in Kauffman Networks: a Numerical Study

August 28, 1997

86% Match
U. Bastolla, G. Parisi
Disordered Systems and Neura...

This is the first of two papers about the structure of Kauffman networks. In this paper we define the relevant elements of random networks of automata, following previous work by Flyvbjerg and Flyvbjerg and Kjaer, and we study numerically their probability distribution in the chaotic phase and on the critical line of the model. A simple approximate argument predicts that their number scales as sqrt(N) on the critical line, while it is linear with N in the chaotic phase and in...

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T. M. A. Fink
Statistical Mechanics
Molecular Networks

The critical Kauffman model with connectivity one is the simplest class of critical Boolean networks. Nevertheless, it exhibits intricate behavior at the boundary of order and chaos. We introduce a formalism for expressing the dynamics of multiple loops as a product of the dynamics of individual loops. Using it, we prove that the number of attractors scales as $2^m$, where $m$ is the number of nodes in loops - as fast as possible, and much faster than previously believed.

F. C. Sheldon, T. M. A. Fink
Molecular Networks
Disordered Systems and Neura...

The Kauffman model of genetic computation highlights the importance of criticality at the border of order and chaos. But our understanding of its behavior is incomplete, and much of what we do know relies on heuristic arguments. To better understand the model and obtain more rigorous insights, we show that there are fundamental links between the critical Kauffman model and aspects of number theory. Using these connections, we prove that the number of attractors and the mean a...

Random maps and attractors in random Boolean networks

May 19, 2005

85% Match
Björn Samuelsson, Carl Troein
Disordered Systems and Neura...

Despite their apparent simplicity, random Boolean networks display a rich variety of dynamical behaviors. Much work has been focused on the properties and abundance of attractors. The topologies of random Boolean networks with one input per node can be seen as graphs of random maps. We introduce an approach to investigating random maps and finding analytical results for attractors in random Boolean networks with the corresponding topology. Approximating some other non-chaotic...

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Attractor and Basin Entropies of Random Boolean Networks Under Asynchronous Stochastic Update

March 10, 2010

85% Match
Amer Shreim, Andrew Berdahl, Florian Greil, ... , Paczuski Maya
Statistical Mechanics
Biological Physics
Other Quantitative Biology

We introduce a numerical method to study random Boolean networks with asynchronous stochas- tic update. Each node in the network of states starts with equal occupation probability and this probability distribution then evolves to a steady state. Nodes left with finite occupation probability determine the attractors and the sizes of their basins. As for synchronous update, the basin entropy grows with system size only for critical networks, where the distribution of attractor ...

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Canalizing Kauffman networks: non-ergodicity and its effect on their critical behavior

April 27, 2005

85% Match
Andre A. Moreira, Luis A. N. Amaral
Disordered Systems and Neura...

Boolean Networks have been used to study numerous phenomena, including gene regulation, neural networks, social interactions, and biological evolution. Here, we propose a general method for determining the critical behavior of Boolean systems built from arbitrary ensembles of Boolean functions. In particular, we solve the critical condition for systems of units operating according to canalizing functions and present strong numerical evidence that our approach correctly predic...

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The computational complexity of Kauffman nets and the P versus NP problem

October 31, 2005

85% Match
S. N. Coppersmith
Disordered Systems and Neura...
Statistical Mechanics

Complexity theory as practiced by physicists and computational complexity theory as practiced by computer scientists both characterize how difficult it is to solve complex problems. Here it is shown that the parameters of a specific model can be adjusted so that the problem of finding its global energy minimum is extremely sensitive to small changes in the problem statement. This result has implications not only for studies of the physics of random systems but may also lead t...

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