November 16, 2000
Similar papers 3
February 15, 2017
We analyze the pressure and density equations of state of unpolarized non-relativistic fermions at finite temperature in one spatial dimension. For attractively interacting regimes, we perform a third-order lattice perturbation theory calculation, assess its convergence properties by comparing with hybrid Monte Carlo results (there is no sign problem in this regime), and demonstrate agreement with real Langevin calculations. For repulsive interactions, we present lattice pert...
October 12, 2015
We study the finite temperature transition in QCD with two flavors of dynamical fermions at a pseudoscalar pion mass of about 350 MeV. We use lattices with temporal extent of $N_t$=8, 10 and 12. For the first time in the literature a continuum limit is carried out for several observables with dynamical overlap fermions. These findings are compared with results obtained within the staggered fermion formalism at the same pion masses and extrapolated to the continuum limit. The ...
April 1, 2007
We study a recently proposed formulation of overlap fermions at finite density. In particular we compute the energy density as a function of the chemical potential and the temperature. It is shown that overlap fermions with chemical potential reproduce the correct continuum behavior.
November 13, 2006
We formulate the massive overlap fermions on anisotropic lattices. We find that the dispersion relation for the overlap fermion resembles the continuum form in the low-momentum region once the bare parameters are properly tuned. The quark self-energy and the quark field renormalization constants are calculated to one-loop in bare lattice perturbation theory. We argue that massive domain wall quarks might be helpful in lattice QCD studies on heavy-light hadron spectroscopy...
November 2, 1999
Results from the Columbia lattice group study of the QCD finite temperature phase transition with dynamical domain wall fermions on $16^3 \times 4$ lattices are presented. These results include an investigation of the U(1) axial symmetry breaking above but close to the transition, the use of zero temperature calculations that set the scale at the transition and preliminary measurements close to the transition.
August 7, 2007
Recently a formulation of overlap fermions at finite density based on an analytic continuation of the sign function was proposed. We study this proposal by analyzing the energy and number densities for free fermions as a function of the chemical potential and the temperature. Our results show that overlap fermions with chemical potential give rise to the correct continuum behavior.
November 3, 2011
We present a study of the Dirac eigenvalue spectrum near the region of the QCD phase transition. This study makes use of a sequence of ensembles with temperatures from 150 MeV to 200 MeV generated with $2 + 1$ flavors of dynamical domain wall fermions (DWF) and the dislocation sup- pressing determinant ratio (DSDR) action on a $16^3\times 8$ lattice with an extent of 32 or 48 in the fifth dimension. All the simulations lie on a line of constant physics with 200 MeV pions. The...
January 14, 2007
Lattice QCD allows us to simulate QCD at non-zero temperature and/or densities. Such equilibrium thermodynamics calculations are relevant to the physics of relativistic heavy-ion collisions. I give a brief review of the field with emphasis on our work.
October 21, 2003
Recent results of lattice QCD at finite temperature and density are reviewed. At vanishing density the transition temperature, the equation of state and hadron properties are discussed both for the pure gauge theory and for dynamical staggered, Wilson and overlap fermions. The second part deals with finite density. There are recent results for full QCD at finite temperature and moderate density, while at larger densities QCD-like models are studied.
August 26, 2005
We summarize our recent investigations of lattice QCD with dynamical overlap fermions. We sketch algorithmic issues and our approach to solving them. We show our measurement of the topological susceptibility. We describe a computation of the chiral condensate using an analysis of the distribution of eigenmodes of the Dirac operator and Random Matrix Theory.