ID: 1606.02320

On additive bases of sets with small product set

June 7, 2016

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Difference sets are not multiplicatively closed

February 7, 2016

87% Match
Ilya D. Shkredov
Number Theory

We prove that for any finite set A of real numbers its difference set D:=A-A has large product set and quotient set, namely, |DD|, |D/D| \gg |D|^{1+c}, where c>0 is an absolute constant. A similar result takes place in the prime field F_p for sufficiently small D. It gives, in particular, that multiplicative subgroups of size less than p^{4/5-\eps} cannot be represented in the form A-A for any A from F_p.

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Any small multiplicative sugroup is not a sumset

February 3, 2017

87% Match
Ilya D. Shkredov
Number Theory

We prove that for an arbitrary $\varepsilon>0$ and any multiplicative subgroup $\Gamma \subseteq \mathbf{F}_p$, $1\ll |\Gamma| \le p^{2/3 -\varepsilon}$ there are no sets $B$, $C \subseteq \mathbf{F}_p$ with $|B|, |C|>1$ such that $\Gamma=B+C$. Also, we obtain that for $1\ll |\Gamma| \le p^{6/7-\varepsilon}$ and any $\xi\neq 0$ there is no a set $B$ such that $\xi \Gamma+1=B/B$.

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Variations on the sum-product problem II

March 28, 2017

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Brendan Murphy, Oliver Roche-Newton, Ilya Shkredov
Number Theory

This is a sequel to the paper arXiv:1312.6438 by the same authors. In this sequel, we quantitatively improve several of the main results of arXiv:1312.6438, and build on the methods therein. The main new results is that, for any finite set $A \subset \mathbb R$, there exists $a \in A$ such that $|A(A+a)| \gtrsim |A|^{\frac{3}{2}+\frac{1}{186}}$. We give improved bounds for the cardinalities of $A(A+A)$ and $A(A-A)$. Also, we prove that $|\{(a_1+a_2+a_3+a_4)^2+\log a_5 : a_i...

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On popular sums and differences of sets with small products

November 27, 2019

86% Match
Konstantin I. Olmezov, Aliaksei S. Semchankau, Ilya D. Shkredov
Number Theory

Given a subset of real numbers $A$ with small product $AA$ we obtain a new upper bound for the additive energy of $A$. The proof uses a natural observation that level sets of convolutions of the characteristic function of $A$ have small product with $A$.

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On growth of the set $A(A+1)$ in arbitrary finite fields

July 29, 2018

86% Match
Ali Mohammadi
Number Theory

Let $\mathbb{F}_q$ be a finite field of order $q$, where $q$ is a power of a prime. For a set $A \subset \mathbb{F}_q$, under certain structural restrictions, we prove a new explicit lower bound on the size of the product set $A(A + 1)$. Our result improves on the previous best known bound due to Zhelezov and holds under more relaxed restrictions.

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An explicit sum-product estimate in $\mathbb{F}_p$

February 26, 2007

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M. Z. Garaev
Number Theory

Let $\mathbb{F}_p$ be the field of residue classes modulo a prime number $p$ and let $A$ be a non-empty subset of $\mathbb{F}_p.$ In this paper we give an explicit version of the sum-product estimate of Bourgain, Katz, Tao and Bourgain, Glibichuk, Konyagin on the size of $\max\{|A+A|, |AA|\}.$ In particular, our result implies that if $1<|A|\le p^{7/13}(\log p)^{-4/13},$ then $$ \max\{|A+A|, |AA|\}\gg \frac{|A|^{15/14}}{(\log|A|)^{2/7}} . $$

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Ilya D. Shkredov
Number Theory

We develop the theory of the additive dimension ${\rm dim} (A)$, i.e. the size of a maximal dissociated subset of a set $A$. It was shown that the additive dimension is closely connected with the growth of higher sumsets $nA$ of our set $A$. We apply this approach to demonstrate that for any small multiplicative subgroup $\Gamma$ the sequence $|n\Gamma|$ grows very fast. Also, we obtain a series of applications to the sum--product phenomenon and to the Balog--Wooley decomposi...

On the additive bases problem in finite fields

July 2, 2016

86% Match
Hamed Hatami, Quehen Victoria de

We prove that if $G$ is an Abelian group and $A_1,\ldots,A_k \subseteq G$ satisfy $m A_i=G$ (the $m$-fold sumset), then $A_1+\ldots+A_k=G$ provided that $k \ge c_m \log n$. This generalizes a result of Alon, Linial, and Meshulam [Additive bases of vector spaces over prime fields. J. Combin. Theory Ser. A, 57(2):203--210, 1991] regarding the so called additive bases.

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Slightly improved sum-product estimates in fields of prime order

July 12, 2009

86% Match
Liangpan Li
Number Theory

Let $\mathbb{F}_p$ be the field of residue classes modulo a prime number $p$ and let $A$ be a nonempty subset of $\mathbb{F}_p$. In this paper we show that if $|A|\preceq p^{0.5}$, then \[ \max\{|A\pm A|,|AA|\}\succeq|A|^{13/12};\] if $|A|\succeq p^{0.5}$, then \[ \max\{|A\pm A|,|AA|\}\succapprox \min\{|A|^{13/12}(\frac{|A|}{p^{0.5}})^{1/12},|A|(\frac{p}{|A|})^{1/11}\}.\] These results slightly improve the estimates of Bourgain-Garaev and Shen. Sum-product estimates on differ...

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The Erd\H{o}s-Szemer\'edi problem on sum set and product set

February 17, 2004

86% Match
Mei-Chu Chang

The basic theme of this paper is the fact that if $A$ is a finite set of integers, then the sum and product sets cannot both be small. A precise formulation of this fact is Conjecture 1 below due to Erd\H os-Szemer\'edi [E-S]. (see also [El], [T], and [K-T] for related aspects.) Only much weaker results or very special cases of this conjecture are presently known. One approach consists of assuming the sum set $A + A$ small and then deriving that the product set $AA$ is large ...

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