ID: 2108.13903

Mahler Measure for a Quiver Symphony

August 31, 2021

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Jiakang Bao, Yang-Hui He, Ali Zahabi
High Energy Physics - Theory
Algebraic Geometry
Mathematical Physics
Number Theory

Adopting the Mahler measure from number theory, we introduce it to toric quiver gauge theories, and study some of its salient features and physical implications. We propose that the Mahler measure is a universal measure for the quiver, encoding its dynamics with the monotonic behaviour along a so-called Mahler flow including two special points at isoradial and tropical limits. Along the flow, the amoeba, from tropical geometry, provides geometric interpretations for the dynamics of the quiver. In the isoradial limit, the maximization of Mahler measure is shown to be equivalent to $a$-maximization. The Mahler measure and its derivative are closely related to the master space, leading to the property that the specular duals have the same functions as coefficients in their expansions, hinting the emergence of a free theory in the tropical limit. Moreover, they indicate the existence of phase transition. We also find that the Mahler measure should be invariant under Seiberg duality.

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