ID: 2306.01629

Number of attractors in the critical Kauffman model is exponential

June 2, 2023

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T. M. A. Fink, F. C. Sheldon
Quantitative Biology
Condensed Matter
Molecular Networks
Disordered Systems and Neura...

The Kauffman model is the archetypal model of genetic computation. It highlights the importance of criticality, at which many biological systems seem poised. In a series of advances, researchers have honed in on how the number of attractors in the critical regime grows with network size. But a definitive answer has proved elusive. We prove that, for the critical Kauffman model with connectivity one, the number of attractors grows at least, and at most, as $(2/\!\sqrt{e})^N$. This is the first proof that the number of attractors in a critical Kauffman model grows exponentially.

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